Monday, July 6, 2009


A few carrots, ( yes they are small but DELICIOUS!), some purple bunching onions- at least we are getting some harvest in the garden. The plants you can see on the left of the carrots are amaranth- good for greens and for grain if you let them go that long. Some tiny little tomatoes have set, and the beans are growing like weeds.
6 week purple hull crowder peas
The garlic is looking better than I deserve, given I planted it so late, and the storage onions are about ready to harvest. It has been a long, cool rainy season.
storage onions
The chard and carrots are looking good, as well. The sweet potatoes, not so much, but again, long cool spring. Has anyone used carrot tops in cooking?
chard and carrots next to bunching onions
Sweet potatoes next to black jet crowder peas

A green caterpillar was munching on the cabbage.
cabbage with caterpillar bites
caterpillar in question
I suspect the Cabbage White Butterfly, Pieris rapae. According to this website, the cabbage white butterfly is the most common in the Americas, and is predated on by mockingbirds, robins, cardinals, and oddly, the Pennsylvania Firefly. Since we have all of these in abundance in the garden, I am hoping not to see many more caterpillars.

1 comment:

Ruby said...

Do you have tomatoes? What else is on your table?

We have a few tomatoes, green peppers, beets, and okra. Rob pulled all the beets yesterday (one row).